Five UX Research Pitfalls

In the last few years, more and more organizations have come to view UX design as a key contributor to successful products, connecting teams with end-users and guiding product innovation within the organization. Though it is fantastic to see this transition happen, there are growing pains associated with becoming a user-driven organization. These are the pitfalls that the author sees organizations grappling with most often.

  1. It is easier to evaluate a completed, pixel-perfect product so new products don’t get vetted or tested until they’re nearly out the door
  2. Users click on things that are different, not always things they like. Curious trial users will skew the usage statistics for a new feature.
  3. Users give you conflicting feedback
  4. Any data is better than no data, right?
  5. By human nature, you trust the numbers going in the right direction and distrust the numbers going in the wrong direction

Five UX Research Pitfalls




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