User-centred design and organisational maturity

For a web site to be successful its intended audience must find it easy to use. As this maxim finds increasing recognition organisations are asking: “What can we do to create a site that’s easy to use?” The answer for most, it seems, is usability testing.

But usability testing is only one part of producing highly-usable sites: the most effective and reliable way to ensure fundamental usability is to follow a user-centred design process. And the success of this approach is largely dependent on the wider organisational attitude towards usability.

The author discusses what lies beyond usability testing: using ISO international standards as a basis, he details the range of activities that make up user-centred design and introduce formal levels of organisational maturity regarding usability. He also shows how organisations can use this knowledge to optimise their design process.

User-centred design and organisational maturity





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