How to Use Social Media to Supplement Your Research

If you’ve been in the market or customer research business for longer than 20 years, then you remember when gathering data to come up with relevant information that you can make some decisions with was both an expensive and extensive proposition. You had to have access to sample and respondents, you may have had to either do a focus group, use the phone or mail your survey. Each method had its good points and bad points – and none are all that appealing, especially if all you wanted was a little insight and direction as to what areas of research to allocate your time and your money.

The internet has not only increased the ease and lowered the cost of getting to secondary information, but has made getting your hands on primary and demographic information just as easy and inexpensive.

The author shares some creative ways used to get to decent, usable information that has helped her pull together better surveys, and get better information.

How to Use Social Media to Supplement Your Research





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