Wherefore Art Thou O Usability? – Cognitive Lock-in to the Rescue

The author has enjoyed teaching HFI’s series of CUA Certification Courses for many years now. Over 20 years of teaching, he got to meet a lot of people who were serious about usability – their organizations paid good money to get them trained. The organizations were “in love” with usability, so to speak. O usability, O usability.

But when he asked the class what their most serious issues were, their replies surprised him. The problem was more “political” than “operational”. Their problem was convincing managers that usability offered true value – and should be incorporated into the design life cycle as a routine activity.

Yes, organizations send people to classes. Yes, organizations employ usability specialists. But NO, usability often has no priority and (surprisingly) remains ignored amidst the other pressures of business. Turns out some of these relationship prejudices can be overcome.

Wherefore Art Thou O Usability? – Cognitive Lock-in to the Rescue




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