The Four Most Important CUE Findings

CUE stands for Comparative Usability Evaluation.

In each CUE study, a considerable number of professional usability teams independently and simultaneously evaluate the same website, web application, or Windows program.

The Four Most Important CUE Findings have been:

  • The number of usability problems in a typical website is often so large that you can’t hope to find more than a fraction of the problems in an ordinary usability test.
  • There’s no measurable difference in the quality of the results produced by usability tests and expert reviews.
  • Six – or even 15 – test participants are nowhere near enough to find 80% of the usability problems. Six test participants will, however, provide sufficient information to drive a useful iterative development process.
  • Even professional usability evaluators make many mistakes in usability test task construction, problem reporting, and recommendations.

More on CUE (comparative usability evaluation)

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