Questionnaires in Usability Engineering- A List of Frequently Asked Questions

The list on this page is a compilation of the questions the author has gotten on the use of questionnaires in usability engineering. Questions include:

  • What is a questionnaire?
  • Are there different kinds of questions?
  • What are the advantages of using questionnaires in usability research?
  • What are the disadvantages?
  • How do questionnaires fit in with other HCI evaluation methods?
  • What is meant by reliability?
  • What is meant by validity?
  • Should I develop my own questionnaire?
  • What’s wrong with putting a quick-and-dirty questionnaire together?
  • Factual-type of questionnaires are easy to do, though, aren’t they?
  • What’s the difference between a questionnaire which gives you numbers and one that gives you free text comments?
  • Can you mix factual and opinion questions, closed and open ended questions?
  • How do you analyse open-ended questionnaires?
  • What is a Likert-style questionnaire? One with five response choices to each statement, right?
  • How can I tell if a question belongs to a Likert scale or not?
  • How many response options should there be in a numeric questionnaire?
  • How many anchors should a questionnaire have?
  • My respondents are continually complaining about my questionnaire items. What can I do?
  • What other kinds of questionnaires are there?
  • Should favourable responses always be be checked on the left (or right) hand side of the scale?
  • Is a long questionnaire better than a short one? How short can a questionnaire be?
  • Is high statistical reliability the ‘gold standard’ to aim for?
  • What’s the minimum and maximum figure for reliability?
  • Can you tell if a respondent is lying?
  • Why do some questionnaires have sub-scales?
  • How do you go about identifying component sub-scales?
  • How much can I change wordings by in a standardised opinion questionnaire?
  • What’s the difference between a questionnaire and a checklist?
  • Where can I find out more about questionnaires?

Questionnaires in Usability Engineering- A List of Frequently Asked Questions




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