Education in HCI

The HCI Education page is a collection of resources for students and educators interested in Human-Computer Interaction. The following are key resources for HCI Education:

  1. Curriculum: The SIGCHI Curriculum Development Group report Curricula in Human-Computer Interaction.
  2. Affordable Textbook: Clayton Lewis and John Rieman’s shareware book Task-Centered User Interface Development.
  3. Readings: Gary Perlman’s Suggested Readings in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), User Interface (UI) Development & Human Factors (HF).
  4. Educator’s Mailing List: The SIGCHI Mailing List: CHI-Educators ( CHI-Educators is archived on the Web
  5. Student’s Mailing List: The SIGCHI Mailing List: CHI-Students ( CHI-Students is archived on the Web
  6. Program Ratings: Because it is so often asked, I have created: Gary Perlman’s Ratings of HCI Education Programs

Education in HCI

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