CUE – Comparative Usability Evaluation

CUE stands for Comparative Usability Evaluation.

In each CUE study, a considerable number of professional usability teams independently and simultaneously evaluate the same website, web application, or Windows program.

The main purpose is to collect data on a series of questions:

  • What’s common practice?
  • Are usability evaluation results reproducible?
  • What is a “serious” or “critical” usability problem?
  • How many usability problems are there?
  • How many test participants are needed?
  • Quality differences
  • What’s the return on investment?
  • Usability test versus Expert review

DialogDesign and other usability experts use the results from these questions to advise the usability community on quality approaches to usability evaluation. Seven CUE Studies have been conducted till date.

CUE – Comparative Usability Evaluation



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