Users on Social Network Sites

The domain of social networking is enhanced by efforts from entrepreneurs to capitalize on the social networking theory. Recent commercial interest has resulted in the emergence of multiple new websites dedicated to helping users capitalize on their social networks for dating, jobs, e-commerce, professional development etc. This article presents a comprehensive overview about users on Social Networking webSites (SNSs) along with some observations about their behavior. These observations are compiled based on the author’s (Ganesh Bhutkar), experience with social network users, his discussions with Human Computer Interface (HCI) students and literature study.

The observations about diverse users on social networks show that there is wider scope to study SNS users, their behavior and its impact on growth of SNSs. With the growth of social networks, dealing with fakesters and fraudsters has become a big challenge. So, there is a need for developing tools and mechanisms for identifying, validating and tracking down their mischievous activities to protect the interest of normal users. Then only social networks can lead to thoughtful interactions.

Users on Social Network Site




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One response to “Users on Social Network Sites”

  1. social network Avatar

    Agreed but I do feel that self promotion as well as companies looking to gain exposure will always find a way to exploit social networking services.

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