Bibliography of Research on Twitter & Microblogging

This page provides a bibliography of articles concerning social network sites. For an overview of this space, including a definition of “social network sites,” a history of SNSs, and a literature review, see Boyd & Ellison’s 2007 introduction to the JCMC Special Issue on Social Network Sites, Social Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship. Example social network sites addressed include: Friendster, MySpace, Facebook, Orkut, Cyworld, Mixi, Black Planet, Dodgeball, and LiveJournal.

The research (and a lot of Twitter research) listed is focused specifically on social network sites (sometimes called “social networking” sites). Some of this is connected to social media, social software, Web2.0, social bookmarking, educational technologies, communities research, etc. but the organizing focus is specifically SNSs. This list is not methodologically or disciplinarily organized. There is work here from communications, information science, anthropology, sociology, economics, political science, cultural studies, computer science, etc.

Bibliography of Research on Twitter & Microblogging




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