Web Application Design Patterns by Pawan Vora

Book cover for Web Application Design Patterns by Pawan Vora- a book for interaction designers

Title & Author

Web Application Design Patterns by Pawan Vora


Ever notice that in spite of their pervasiveness, designing web applications is still challenging? While their benefits motivate their creation, there are no well-established guidelines for design. This often results in inconsistent behaviors and appearances, even among web applications created by the same company. Design patterns for web applications, similar in concept to those for web sites and software design, offer an effective solution.

In Web Application Design Patterns, Pawan Vora documents design patterns for web applications by not only identifying design solutions for user interaction problems, but also by examining the rationale for their effectiveness, and by presenting how they should be applied.


User interface designers, usability professionals, application developers working on commercial or intranet type products, and product management and project management.


This is the type of book you’ll want to read with your entire team and a flip chart, because every page will produce a list of actionable changes to the applications you’re developing. Pawan Vora has produced an amazing catalogue ofthe essential patterns for designing today’s
web-based applications.

Jared Spool, Founding Principal, User Interface Engineering

Web Application Design Patterns is a must read if you are in the business of designing web applications, or simply want to understand the elements of a well-designed web application. Pawan Vora has condensed best practice, along with research and his solid experience, to create a useful reference about designing web applications. Even if you skimmed the book and looked at the designs, it will spark creative design ideas.

David Dick, Technical Writer


Morgan Kaufmann (March 13, 2009)


ISBN-10: 012374265X
ISBN-13: 978-0123742650


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