MS in Human Factors in Information Design from Bentley University, Massachusetts, USA

Through the Master of Science in Human Factors in Information Design (MSHFID), working professionals learn innovative approaches to product development that integrate the goals of the business and the end-user. This program is housed within a business school, giving students the unique ability to see the role that design plays in the larger organizational structure. This powerful combination puts MSHFID students in high demand for senior-level positions at leading companies.

The MSHFID program:

  • Emphasizes human behavior relative to product design, universal accessibility, usability and the user experience;
  • Prepares students for careers as an interface designer, information architect, usability engineer or user experience specialist;
  • Integrates user-centered design processes in the larger business organization;
  • Gives students the opportunity to interact with professionals in diverse organizations.

MS in Human Factors in Information Design from Bentley University




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