Carnegie Mellon HCII (Human-Computer Interaction Institute)

The Human Computer Interaction Institute (HCII) is an interdisciplinary community of students and faculty at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). This community is dedicated to research and education in topics related to computer technology in support of human activity and society.

Although the HCII is headquartered within the School of Computer Science, members of the community represent a broad spectrum of the CMU campus including the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Graduate School of Industrial Administration, College of Fine Arts, Carnegie Institute of Technology, Software Engineering Institute, as well as the School of Computer Science.

Collaborators and sponsors are from other universities in Pittsburgh and around the world, small startup companies, and multi-national corporations.

Research projects range from an individual company working with a small group of students to multi-company consortia seeking multi-national solutions.

Carnegie Mellon HCII




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