Content Analysis: A Practical Approach

The article walks you through a content analysis—and offer tips and tricks along the way that will help make your next content analysis more effective.

Content analysis is an essential part of many UX design projects that involve existing content. Examples of such projects include migrating a Web site to a new platform or design, merging multiple Web sites into one, or assessing Web content for reuse in a new channel.

You cannot take proper care of your content without looking at it closely. You must become familiar with your content to judge whether it’s effective, understand how it relates to other content, make decisions about how to use or format it, identify opportunities for improving it, and more.

Content analysis, though time consuming, is fruitful, because your efforts provide the following benefits:

  • Content analysis results in a clear, tangible description of your content—which clients and stakeholders can perceive as nebulous—whether expressed in text or visually
  • Content analysis provides the foundation for comparing existing content with either user needs or competitor content, letting you identify potential gaps and opportunities
  • Content analysis offers insights that help you make decisions about your content more easily—for example, what to prioritize
  • Content analysis can reveal themes, relationships, and more

Content Analysis: A Practical Approach



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