Thank you everybody for all the mentions on the UX Bookmark

I had noticed in the past week that the Printed books on User Experience free to read online post was getting quite a few views. But today after I came back after a trip out of town, I noticed the post was doing rather well today with more than 80 bookmarks on Delicious and 25 tweets on Twitter.

There were above a 1000 visits and around 50 people on the site at a time in average. This may not be much compared to many heavy weight websites, but it is the heaviest traffic since the UX Bookmark began in February this year.

It was also nice to see this post mentioned in Konigi and appear in tweets by @delicious50 and @DeliciousHot. But its not just them, I’d like to thank each and everyone of you for all the mentions on the UX Bookmark. Its most appreciated.




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